Starting today, Victor Chandler Poker is launching a five day promotion for real money cash game players dubbed, appropriately, Cash Game Crazy. The promotion will feature a different way to earn extra money each day.
On both Monday and Tuesday, players can qualify for a special freeroll in the Wheel of Fortune promo. To do so, all anyone has to do is win a hand at showdown in a real money Euro cash game with a “wheel,” which is a five-high straight. The hand must start between midnight CET on August 22nd and 23:59:59 CET August 23rd, must use at least one hole card, and must be on a Texas Hold’em table. Players are required to e-mail support@pokersupport.com with “Wheel of Fortune” in the subject line and include the hand ID of the winning hand. Those who qualify will receive a seat in next week’s €1,000 Wheel of Fortune Freeroll, to be held at 21:00 CET on Monday, August 29th. The freeroll will be capped at 2,000 players, so be sure to e-mail support as soon as you win that hand.
Also on Tuesday will be the Bad Beat Bonanza Double Payouts, which are exactly what they sound like. Anyone who qualifies for the Bad Beat Bonanza will receive a bonus of 200 times the small blind instead of the standard 100 times the small blind. To win the Bad Beat Bonanza, a player must lose a hand at showdown with at least Aces full of Kings or better in a Texas Hold’em cash game using both hole cards. The player who wins the hand must use at least one hole card. And like all hand-specific promotions on Victor Chandler, at least three players must be dealt into the hand. Like the Wheel of Fortune promo, players must send hand ID’s to customer support with “Bad Beat Bonanza” in the subject line.
Wednesday features another promo that focuses on special hands. In the Flop Stars promo, anyone who flops a flush or better using both hole cards in a real money Texas Hold’em game will win from €€10 to €500, depending on the stakes and the strength of the hand. Quads must be made using a pocket pair (as opposed to one hole card and three of a kind on the flop).
Thursday and Friday are the days for the Raked Hands Race. It’s pretty simple. Play as many No-Limit Hold’em raked hands as possible at stakes from €0.05/€0.10 to €0.50/€1.00, and whoever is in the top 500 on the leader board at the end of Friday will get a seat in the €1,000 Raked Hands Freeroll on Wednesday, August 31st at 20:30 CET.
Like Tuesday, there is a second promotion on Friday, this one called the Royal Flush Fortune Double Payouts. Similar to the Bad Beat Bonanza Double Payouts, this promotion will award players with 100 times the small blind, rather than the normal 50 times, for winning a hand at showdown using both hole cards in the real money Texas Hold’em game.
We recommend reading all the rules and instructions for claiming prizes on the Victor Chandler website, as most of those promotions to require e-mails to customer support in order to receive a prize.