Here in the United States, we recently had the infamous Black Friday. Not the horrible day in poker history back in April 2011, but rather the mega-shopping day immediately after Thanksgiving (which has now turned into the entire week of Thanksgiving) during which crazed consumers try to cash in on some fantastic deals offered by retailers. And…here comes the segue…even though many of us price shop to no end in our regular lives, we don’t often stop to differentiate online poker rooms by price. After all, poker rooms can vary in what they charge in rake and choosing a more expensive room can negatively impact your win rate. Understandably, we often just look for the poker room with the most traffic.
Therefore, I am going to do a little price shopping for you. If you play on a site called Poker MIRA, check the tables very, very carefully, or you can get raked out of your skull.
Poker MIRA has…wait for it…UNLIMITED RAKE TABLES. Unlimited. Without limit. Rake at these tables is limited only by your imagination. And what, pray tell, is the reason for having unlimited rake tables? Allow Poker MIRA to explain:
It’s a new opportunity from Poker MIRA to become a leader of Rating Races! Play on new cash tables «Unlimited Rake Table»* with standard $5 rake, but without limit of maximum rake amount. Playing on «Unlimited Rake Table» tables will increase your chances to whip creation in the Race Rankings!
To clarify, if you are clinically obsessed with loyalty status, if you have committed to climbing the ladder just because, if you are Poker MIRA’s equivalent of George Clooney’s character in Up in the Air, the unlimited rake tables are for you! Why play thousands upon thousands of hands and hand out all that rake to the poker room to gradually gain higher status when you can open the valve even more and earn loyalty points faster? Never mind that you the extra rake you bleed will likely be much greater than any rewards you earn from the higher loyalty status, but whatever. You’ve got to spend money to make money, right?
I mean, this is just such an utterly ridiculous thing for a poker room to do. Unlimited rake tables are there purely to take money from the ignorant and stupid. Only those who are unaware of what rake is or who do not take note of where they are sitting will play on these tables. There’s part of me that wants to praise Poker MIRA for having the balls to do something like this, but really, they can piss off.
Fortunately, the unlimited rake tables are in labeled in orange, so it should be pretty easy to avoid them.