Sometimes the rich and famous are just like the rest of us. And this weekend, it was Poker Hall of Famer Daniel Negreanu to whom we could all relate. During the 2020 World Series of Poker online, in the middle of a live stream, Negreanu’s connection to the WSOP.com went down multiple times on Friday, much to the entertainment of his viewing audience.
Credit goes to David Lappin, who recorded Negreanu’s troubles and posted them on Twitter for all to see. The first video shows Negreanu getting ready to act in early position in the $600 No-Limit MonsterStack event, only to be faced with the spinning circle that indicates the client is trying to connect.
He immediately let loose the expletives and is doing all he can not to launch his chair, table, and laptop into oblivion. It honestly took me aback, as I’m not used to Negreanu looking like he is about to transition into Mike Matusow like Bruce Banner changes into the Hulk when he gets angry.
Lamenting the WSOP.com, software, Negreanu was officially disconnected from the tournament, forced to sit out. Continuing to swear, he twice had to apologize to his dogs, who were apparently frightened off-screen. I can’t lie – that was pretty funny.
Negreanu became even more incensed a short time later when he raised and was called by the big blind, only to have it freeze up again. His hand was eventually folded.
The issue did not seem to be with Negreanu’s internet connection, as his stream was working just fine. After all, we could see and hear him dropping f-bombs all over the place.
What makes this even more entertaining is that Negreanu is a spokesperson for GGPoker, the site that his hosting the 2020 WSOP Online for international players starting this coming weekend. While he is not associated with WSOP.com specifically, he has strong ties to the Series. Even the connected are not immune.
And don’t we all know what it’s like? I am heavily considering shelling out a few hundred bucks for a new wifi router and cable modem because my household has been having internet issues lately. Yes, I’ve tried diagnosing the exact problem, but it’s really hard to pinpoint the exact issue (it could be Xfinity). But with me working from home, my wife about to start a new job working from home at least through this year, and my kids possibly schooling from home, I figured I might as well just upgrade everything.
I could only imagine if I was trying to trying to play in the World Series of Poker and I had to reboot the modem for the 100th damn time.
Daniel Negreanu did not cash in the tournament, if that wasn’t obvious.