Poker News

Not a college basketball fan? Don’t fret. Full Tilt Poker has its own version of March Madness to help pass the time this month. The world’s second largest poker site will unleash its popular Sit and Go Madness on Friday, March 5th, giving players a chance at more than $125,000 in cash and prizes just by playing single-table Sit and Gos.

The action gets underway on Full Tilt at 16:00 ET on March 5th and runs through 16:00 ET on Sunday, March 7th. By simply playing Sit and Gos on the site, players can win a cut of leaderboard prize money, tickets to the Madness Raffle, and an entry to the Madness Freeroll, where they’ll play for a share of a $50,000 prize pool.

The promotion will be equally split into 24 two-hour blocks, with leaderboards for each of four separate groups during every two-hour period. The top seven players at the end of each two-hour block will have the opportunity to claim a payday:

Group A ($1-2)Group B ($5-11)Group C ($20-33)Group D ($50-110)
1st Place$20$100$200$500
2nd Place$12.50$60$125$300
3rd Place$7.50$40$75$200
4th place$5$25$50$125
5th Place$2.5$12.50$25$60
6th Place$1.5$7.50$15$40
7th Place$1$5$10$25

There is also an Overall Leaderboard for each respective group for the entire 48 hours of the event, which is determined by the best performance in one of the two-hour time periods. The top two players in each group’s Overall Leaderboard will meet in a $5,000 Sit and Go Freeroll where the top three places will be paid. The Freeroll will take place on Saturday, March 13th at 15:05 ET.

Players who don’t make it onto one of the Sit and Go Madness Leaderboards still have a chance to win big with the $50,000 Madness Freeroll. By winning at least two qualifying Sit and Gos during the 48-hour period, players will be automatically entered into the Madness Freeroll on Saturday, March 13th at 16:50 ET. The winner of the freeroll is expected to receive close to $5,000.

In addition, Full Tilt Poker is giving away more than 1,000 prizes as part of its Madness Raffle. For every qualifying Sit and Go that a player cashes in during Sit and Go Madness, he or she will earn one raffle ticket good for entry into a drawing for gear from the Full Tilt Store, Tournament Dollars, and Satellite Tokens. Some of the prizes include Full Tilt hats and t-shits, $26 and $75 Satellite tokens, $200 and $500 in Tournament Dollars, and a Full Tilt Poker Deluxe Home Game Package.

Qualifying Sit and Go Madness tournaments can be found in the 1-Table Sit and Go section of the Full Tilt Poker lobby. Sit and Gos Madness tables are highlighted in green.

For more information about Sit and Go Madness or any other Full Tilt Poker promotions, visit Full Tilt Poker.

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