The high stakes tables at Full Tilt have been getting some crazy action, and some bankrolls are taking big downswings. Players are finding time to play online even tough most of them are in Europe playing at the different events that started last week and will extend until next week.
David “POKERBLUFFS” Eldar has had two great days, on September 28th he won $228, most of it coming from a tilt session that martonas had after losing $420K to aejones. On September 29th, David had another remarkable day with a profit of $488K.
The players that earned the most money yesterday were: POKERBLUFFS with $488K, Phil “OMGClayAiken” Galfond with $274K, Ilari “Ziigmund” Sahamies with $114K, Full Tilt Poker pro Gus Hansen with $90K, Alec “traheho” Torelli with $69K and David Benyamine with $56K.
Tom “Kingofcards” Marchese basically gave back the profits he made the day before and added $271K to it, ending the day with a negative balance of $416K. Other players who had significant losses were: Full Tilt Poker pro Phil Ivey with $157K, Sami “LarsLuzak” Kelopuro with $155K, Harry “UgotaBanana” Kaczka with $120K, Ashton “theASHMAN103” Griffin with $112K and martonas with $92K.
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