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Full Tilt Poker Pros have a rough day at the tables

Poker players in general are excited about the amount of tournaments that are taking place at the different live events in London which also has caught the attention of poker pros and high stakes players. Everyone wants to play and get a piece of the action, but when players are not in live events they go to the virtual felts and grind some money.

But not all sessions are productive, and some Full Tilt Poker pros have had difficult times at the tables in the past 24 to 36 hours. David Benyamine took a big down swing that brought his bankroll down $634K, Gus Hansen lost $122K, and the third Full Tilt Poker pro that had a set back to his bankroll was Brian Townsend with $114K.

But not all the Red Pros had losses; Richard Ashby had a $350K profit and Phil Ivey won $109K.

Some popular online players also recorded a profit for the day: Ashton “theASHMAN103” Griffin won $211K, Tom “durrrr” Dwan won $209K, Tom “Kingofcards” Marchese won $180K, and Phil “OMGClayAiken” Galfond won $175K.

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