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Only a week after reaching a position of power within the house, the Vanessa Rousso-led alliance on Big Brother is now almost reduced to shambles. The next week doesn’t look good for the members of the “Sixth Sense” either after the departure of one of their own.
After getting Julia, Liz’s twin, into the Big Brother house last week with the departure of Jason from the game, all the Rousso Alliance had to do was to capture the Head of Household competition to begin to take apart their opposition. In what was basically a game of “Cliff Hanger,” Shelli (one of the Rousso Alliance’s main cogs) and James were left on the wall hanging by their fingers. Instead of looking out for her fellow Alliance members, Shelli instead chose to negotiate with James that her and Clay would not be put up for eviction if she allowed James to win. Once he agreed, Shelli dropped off the wall to ensure James his second stint as Head of Household.
Ah, but this is Big Brother, where treachery is rewarded and blind faith thrown out with the empty alcohol bottles from around the house. James immediately reneged on his deal with Shelli and, in a bold move, put both Shelli and Clay (a romantic item in the house) up for eviction. James’ logic was flawless: by leaving them both in the game, if it were to reach the final three with him, Shelli and Clay in contention, they would vote against him. There was also the thought of destruction of a “happy” arrangement in the Big Brother household as well as the torpedoing of the Rousso Alliance in that at least one of their members would go home.
While both Shelli and Clay bemoaned their situation, they did have a chance at redemption by winning the Power of Veto competition. Alas, that didn’t happen; James won the Power of Veto and, after momentarily considering a change in swapping Liz for Clay (to ensure that Shelli would get evicted), decided to stay with his previous arrangements and eliminate one strong player and cripple the other. The houseguests had a tough decision in front of them until the actions of Wednesday/Thursday.
Through the machinations of Rousso (who was trying to convince people to vote out Clay and leave Shelli, a much stronger player, in the house), Clay was increasingly becoming the target of eviction. This angered him to the point of a near-altercation with the HoH, James, over his nominations. After seeing Clay nearly get in a fight over the situation, the entirety of the house voted for Clay to leave, putting the “Sixth Sense” down one (now at five) and showing fractures in their allegiance.
For some reason, Rousso now isn’t handling the Alliance well and it is beginning to show in her decisions. Advocating for Clay’s departure wasn’t exactly a great idea in that she should have let her fellow alliance members decide the situation (or let Shelli and Clay work it out for themselves). She has also targeted one of the more popular members of the house, John, to the point of alleging some sort of relationship (either familial or romantic) with the now-departed Clay. Rousso also made promises in the past to others in the house and broken them (she had promised to put Austin on the block last week and, at the last moment, chose Jason, breaking her word), putting a sizeable target on her back as Clay exited the Big Brother domicile.
The next week doesn’t bode well for the Rousso Alliance, either. Becky, who has quietly slid through the program to this point, won the Head of Household competition on Thursday and has already indicated that Shelli will be marked for eviction again, this time alongside another “shadow player,” Steve. But Becky does have a sinister plan awaiting; if someone other than her wins the Power of Veto (normally the HoH, the two nominees and a player blindly chosen by each of them compete for the POV reward) and uses it to save either of her original nominations, Becky will backdoor Rousso and she’ll be at risk for eviction.
It should be an interesting set of broadcasts when Big Brother returns on Sunday night. Can Rousso put together the shattered fragments of the “Sixth Sense” Alliance and bring them back to power? Or is the clock beginning to tick down on Rousso’s stay in Hollywood? The shows on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights will tell the tale.