Poker News Daily: Calls and e-mails we’ve placed to G4 on the future of the online poker reality show “2 Months, $2 Million” have gone unreturned. What have you heard about the possibility of a second season?
Jay Rosenkrantz: I’ve heard that they’re happy. I haven’t gotten official word, but I haven’t asked either. We feel good about there being a Season 2 and creatively it’s going to get better. From a physical perspective, the show has been growing and growing. It has to be a good business decision for them [to renew it]. It has an international following also. I just imagine that they have other things to deal with right now like new programming and they’ll get around to it. I would bet on there being a Season 2 and I think we’re a favorite.
PND: How tough was it to juggle playing poker with creating an entertaining end product for fans to watch each Wednesday night on G4 during the 10-episode series?
Rosenkrantz: It was hard. Often you’d see us on tilt and you’d assume it was because we were losing money, but often it would be because we had just had some words with the producers about them wanting us to do something stupid or trying to get all four of us to go talk in front of the backdrop of the Las Vegas Strip while there was a great game running. There would be fighting back and forth when there were people outside of the poker world trying to do something about the poker world. At times, it was stressful.
PND: Since we last talked to you, the episode featuring the high-stakes home game aired. Tell us about that night.
Rosenkrantz: It was fun. It wasn’t the softest game ever. Everyone knew they were going to be on television, so you had people who wanted to be on television playing in the game, otherwise people weren’t going to go out of their way to play nosebleed stakes against us. We might be relative unknowns to the general public as far as being on television, but anyone who is a high-stakes poker player knows who we are.
The game was $100/$200 with a $50,000 buy-in. It didn’t last that long and the producers made David Williams out to be a fish. He was the worst player at the table, but he wasn’t a fish. Nothing happened for two hours, the game broke, and the producers did the best they could with the footage they had.
PND: How has the traffic at your training site,, been as a result of the exposure it has received on “2 Months, $2 Million”? Has being on the show translated into more subscriptions sold?
Rosenkrantz: It’s been doing well. It’s tough, though, because it’s hard to convert someone to poker training from watching G4. They have to make that leap to wanting to get better at poker and wanting to pay $29 per month to subscribe to the site. There’s a seven-day free trial, which is a smoother way in for newcomers. We’ve experienced a lot more eyes, though, which is great for the brand.