The ongoing Eurolinx and BetOnBet sagas continues, as the investigation of the now-defunct online poker rooms has left the jurisdiction of Malta’s Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA) and is now in the hands of the Malta Police Department.
The LGA first became involved in the case following the sudden announcement that former Microgaming sites BetOnBet, Eurolinx, and Linx Casino were shutting their doors in the wake of the liquidation of the parent company, Linx Media Company. Shortly after Linx Media announced its intentions to liquidate, the Microgaming Network terminated its relationship with the company and instructed customers with money on the site to contact “the relevant liquidator” once that information became available.
In the wake of this announcement, a number of forum threads on the popular poker forum TwoPlusTwo cropped up discussing the avenues of recourse available to the players affected by the sudden shutdown. As Poker News Daily reported previously, the tone of these threads were pessimistic regarding the chances that players would be able to recoup their losses. One suggested course of action was to sue former Eurolinx manager and owner Jo Remme of Norway, but one poster, “ditou26,” warned that a private investigator told them that Remme was broke and would be financially incapable of reimbursing players even if successfully prosecuted.
There is still a chance that those behind the Eurolinx debacle will be caught and punished. Government officials in Malta are currently investigating the company, which was based in the small European Republic. The LGA posted an update on the pending investigation on its official website, informing interested parties that “the company Eurolinks Ltd is not and has never been a licensed operator with the LGA. The LGA also notifies that the sportsbooks of Alpine Malta Ltd (BetonBet and Eurolinx) are not and never were licensed by the LGA.” While those entities were not properly licensed, Alpine Malta Ltd possessed Class 1/4 and Class 3/4 licenses for BetOnBet, but the LGA posted reports that those licenses have since been suspended.
As part of the LGA investigation, it accepted complaints via e-mail from those whose money on BetOnBet was never returned. More information about how to contact the LGA to file a complaint can be found on its official website. However, when Poker News Daily sought an update on the investigation, sources said the investigation is no longer an LGA-run matter and has instead been passed on to the Malta police.
The source informed Poker News Daily that the LGA’s portion of the investigation has come to a close and it is waiting to hear the results of the police department’s inquiry before proceeding any further in the matter. The source also stated that the results of the police investigation will be made public and those who have inquired about the case will be filled in on the situation as soon as possible.
No details about either the LGA or police investigations were available at this time, but it appears that the Maltese government does not intend to drop the issue any time soon. Poker News Daily will continue to keep tabs on the investigation as it develops.