Online site PartyPoker made some changes to its play money policies during the past week. The site, which has been in the news with the signing of professional players Kara Scott and Tony G and its purchase of the World Poker Tour, is now putting a clamp down on the dishonest actions taking place at its play money tables.
PartyPoker posted a blog on its site Tuesday briefly explaining the software upgrade and change in play money policies: “We recently implemented a new policy that restricts play money accounts to a maximum number of chips. This decision has the vast majority of our play money players in mind, and is intended to stop the transferring of chips from account-to-account outside of regular hands of poker… Although this may have affected some play money players in the short term, the decision was made in the interest of our play money games and the fair play benefits it will bring. We will not reverse our decision.”
Players who create an account on PartyPoker are first credited with 1,000 play chips. Should they lose those chips, they can replenish their account with 1,000 more chips two more times within a 24-hour period. Under the previous guidelines, players could build their accounts to millions – and even billions – of play chips.
Player-to-player play money chip transfers were never allowed on the site, but players found a way around that rule by sitting down at a table and chip dumping to one another. The practice of purchasing play money chips on sites like ChipEmpire also became common. Players could buy up to one billion chips for $400 on Chip Empire. This resulted in millions upon millions of play chips spreading across the site illegitimately and PartyPoker wanted to put a stop to it.
The new maximum players can have in their account is 250,000 play chips and the change has resulted in backlash from the dedicated play money players on the site. “Party Poker has, without notifying any of the players, arbitrarily taken away everyone’s play chip bank. All we have been allowed to have is 250,000,” said Brigitte Hole, a longtime PartyPoker play money player. “I had almost 82 million in my account; my husband had just over 100 million. All of our chips were not illegally obtained or even purchased, but won over a long time. We took great pride in building up our accounts to this point.
Hole continued, “Now in one fell swoop, in Party Poker’s efforts to get rid of the people who cheat with their chips (get them illegally, etc.), my account is at 250,000. Without warning, I have been ‘bankrupted’ and made to feel like the bad guy. This is not fair, this is terrible PR. And they will not give my chips back.”
Beth Harrington, another regular play money player on PartyPoker, has been less than pleased with the site’s unwillingness to listen to its loyal players regarding the rule change. She told Poker News Daily, “People who have built their bankrolls up over the years have had their accounts reset to 250,000 and even now if you win when you leave the table, you will be reset. We have been e-mailing and calling PartyPoker, but to no avail. They say they can do what they want.”
While the new changes appear to be final, as a gesture of goodwill to its play money players, PartyPoker is going to run a special $1,000 freeroll plus the chance to win an all-expenses paid trip for two to watch this month’s PartyPoker Premier League in Las Vegas. The site will have more details on the freeroll soon.
Hello Brett Collson,
Re: PartyPoker
For your information I can also tell that those who have real money accounts by PartyPoker did not get robbed of their millions or billions of playchips.
So PartyPoker treats people different and that is discrimination.
Is that a joke?
There are many sites where you can buy playmoney chips. They were transferring billions of chips in minutes. It only is possible with PartyPoker help and support. Now PartyPoker talk about illegal transfers. PartyPoker, or someone working in there, was helping sellers.
I never did buy chips. I won my millions by myself and playing for years in PartyPoker.
It’s a shame, I really enjoyed the site. 30Mil gone. So am I. Fortunately there are other sites. I will check back a few times over the next month to see if they re-think their policy otherwise I will never play there again.
its a shame we had to go to the us attorney generals office and they recomemmended a law firm to file a class action suite again party poker since party poker wont listen we will shut them down
i also had an account for 6 years i had in the memory of my best friend who passed away I won every chip in that account and logged it the other day and was down to 250,000.. I cannot make a real account cause I live in the USA..The account only had 64 mills in it that i had won now it has 250,000 makes me sad that they discrimate against usa players knowing we can’t make real money accounts..now they are offering a tournament for non us play money players to play in a tourny to make real money account and to come to las vegas which i believe is in the usa..why bring your sorry ass to are country for a tournament when you are not fare to usa players..
Party Poker made the biggest mistake of their lives when they switched to this “new” genre. Instead of keeping the hundreds of thousands of people who played daily on their site, they have alienated them, taken what they believe to be hard earned “play chips”, taken away the around the world friendships that were made because of Party Poker and totally pissed everyone off because they did not have the guts, or maybe the resources, to go after the ones who wronged them. Anyone with half a brain, which obviously the decision makers at Party Poker dont have, will tell you that you breathe and live your customers, and in Party Poker’s world, potential players. I have played on Party Poker for 4 years, and will never come back again. Living in the United States we can not have real money accounts, which we all know is really behind what Party Poker wanted out of all this. All persons I’ve met, from around the world, who have had real money accounts with Party Poker, have pulled their “money” and gone on to other poker sites because of what they did with the play money, makes many think, what will they do with real money.
Congratulations Party Poker, you went from the number 1 site for poker players right down to the bottom. I do hope that you gave raises to the executive members who made this decision.
partypoker is just discriminating against USA player’s because those who have real money accounts are able to keep their millions and billions. if they are going to punish some, they should punish all. in fact, it’s their way to get people to deposit onto their site. who would deposit real money onto a site that steals play money chips. they also have been contradicting themselves since the beginning. first they blame those who sell chips, then they say it’s to stop people betting “high’ on no limit tables. what’s the point of no limit if theirs a limit on chips and betting. i can’t wait to see this site go down the drain.
why didnt they go after the chip sellers it would have been easy enough 2 do they were addvertising on the tables . pp could pretended 2 buy from them .then closed there accounts instead taking every bodys . its like hitler hurt every 1 because of a few
F*** party poker there going down slowly with whats happened and its going to be too late when they change there mind. As i have a way better site in mind and evryone one else will find another that dont treat you like Party poker so my message is to pp what goes around comes around so good luck pp as your going to need it when your players stop playing one by one
I myself have been on party poker for many years and also made many friends i have to admit i have sold chips over internet and many may brand me for this , but i can without naming names know over 100 different players who have sold chips , my chips have all been won and myself i have lost accounts which total 4-5 billion chips which have took a long time to build up , theres also many poker forums that i have joined over the years that also advertise the sale of chips this has been a common factor for at least 5 years. if this was such a concern it would of been much easier for p poker to have someone to monitor tables for chip dumping and ban there i.ps or actually the main sites selling chips have them closed down , theres many people who have legally played for fun and built up bankrolls who have suffered , i dont think this is all p pokers fault though , i feel for the american public that there goverment needs to address the future of online gambling as americans cant open a real money account on p poker but can have the gambling capital of the world , the slipper doesnt fit the shoe . let hope p poker get wise and have a re- think but i feel the damage is now done and theres no going back .
I myself have been playing party poker for yearas have had alot of fun. Have a Granddaughter that was very sick she had to be watched around the clock so party pker helped me stay up all night ty very much but i built my bank made lots of friends from all over but i will not play nomore if i cant build bank.
Recently they showed that they think that they can discriminate against US citizens. What they don’t know is that 10’s of thousands of players have contacted lawyers to go after them. Why do they care how many chips we have we still played on THIER site..Their loss there are many other sites……..LATER LOSERS
I cannot beleive PP had done this without warning, it was a fun site..now I am broke…took me two years to build up my account. I was a loyal player here, Not anymore.
wat a shame.
I came here to play for fun, Now we are steady rebuy rebuy and when u do it to much it says cannot buy for 5 mins.
all My 22 Million gone in one sweep.
wat a rip off.
What we all need to realize is that Party Poker does not care about you unless you pay them. That is like buying a whore to be pleasured. We did not pay for our chips because we won them. Why do they care how we play as long as we played on their site. We had thousands and thousands that went to this site and basically made them what they are. But they chose to want to have us PAY them to let us play. That is ridiculous who buys friends. I can thank them for allowing me to meet some very wonderful people and bringing me to the man I will love the rest of my life. As for the discriminting..well as they say “you reap what you sow”…farewell to Party Poker and hello new sites………………
If I,m not mistaken when PP first opened the first chip sellers where partly own by PP !!!!
i have played here 7 years and i am now no longer happy with party poker i would play for hours everyday there but their new policy has me gone i will never play there again. party poker u are a big loser now and will steadily lose all players with ur new policy hope ur happy with urselves ur big losersssssssssss.
All what we need is, one player with a brave heart and enough money, who took a lawyer
and lift partypoker to the european court.
He never will lose, because its a discrimination of people.
If they wanna stop those chips transfers and chips offering websites , why they are only kick
playmoney players ass and not the realmoney players?
Why the realmoney accounts still got their playchips , and are able to build ap more, without gettn reset to 250k?
But htis is our chance, cause they wont get in trouble with the realmoney players, therefor they didnt touch their accounts.
But if 1 brave heart stands up and threaten to call european court , partypoker got only two choices. Given back our playmoney or taken the playmoney of realmoney accounts too.
pp sucks
i used to play after work to help me relax and over there year built up a 300 million chip count and when my mother passed away n i was made redundent i played on “PP” more and put up with there many upgrades over the years until this last 1 when ALL playmoney accounts where capped to 250k most of my frends online joind a forum that me and 2 of my close frends set up as we all love to play poker now 2 years later we have over 2,500 members all there accounts where reset and they have real money accounts also and there in the process of closing there real money accounts as pp caped there frends play money account and other poker forum members are doing the same threfore i estermate that partypoker is losing around four hundrend thousand members in the light of there recent upgrade and is estermated that 60% of that is real money account no not only have they lost LOLYAL members but also an income of $ 1.million (est) which as a result there stock have been going down in value
and further more
chip sellers are still on PP and players are still transferring chips from account to account!!!!
so what change?
only one thing change>>>>>>>>>PP lost tousands and tousands of fans!
I played real money on party poker before the bill was signed making it illegal. I also spent a good amount of time playing histakes NL holdem tables and had built up over 80 million on my new account after closing my real money account. Now that party poker has dropped the ability to build a bankroll, myself and dozens if not hundreds of friends have moved to other sites. I wont namedrop but party poker had other ways to handle what was going on, they chose the wrong method. After all , Isnt the fun in playing NL TX Holdem building a bankroll?
Well, I hope (PP) is happy . I for one live in the (USA) and can (NOT) open a real money acct. I have played on (PP) over 6 yr’s now and almost on a 24/7 basis because I had fun and enjoyed making friend’s and winning as well as losing. (That’s Poker)~~~ But…I don’t like the fact that I have won over the year’s was” over-night” taken away from me. We both know (unless your completely stupid, which apparently you are)? that greed is the back-bone of whatever choices you just made. Ya want more real money player’s? Ya get tired of what you call losing play-chip’s? Are you serious? Explain to me how you lose play-chip’s? (Don’t pinch a nerve thinking)!! It is really sad that whoever is in charge of (Party Poker’s) success has just ruined the reputation of (Party Poker) in one very stupid move. Now I am wondering…You say it’s the chip-seller’s you want to stop, but you sell chip’s? So tell me what you mean when you do that? But remember, player’s inside the (USA) can do nothing. We can’t not play real money, We can NOT buy play-chip’s. Christ, we can’t even call (Party Poker) if we have a legit problem because (Party Poker) does (NOT) allow (US) player’s to call them for any reason.So you think of the big change and saddly it will in time (if not already)? it has effecting you and your site!! CONGRATULATION’S!!
cry cry cry little babies – lmao – party poker gave you 5,000 free chips (and each time you went broke they gave you 5,000 more) and a free website to play 24 hours per day – along with that came some simple rules – you cry cry cry little babies broke those rules and used 3rd party software to “steal seats” meaning getting seated in front of players waiting in line to sit at a certain table – also party poker allowed you to have 5,000 more chips free on their sister sites ( party bingo, casino, backgammon) so you took advantage of that and you put your pp nic in omaha and put all your chips on the table so you would appear broke to pp software then you sat your “appearing broke” nic at a casino table and at bingo table and a backgammon table and received another free 5,000 chips at each then you took those back to the pp omaha table and put those on the table then you repeated this using auto play macros and building your accts at the rate of 15.000 chips every 4 seconds so you could amass 225,000 chips per minute 13.5 million per hour and you would do it for about 10 hours while thousands watched you do it then you took 135 to 150 million chips and locked up tables with 10 players of the same cheating ilk and would let your auto play macros run for 30 hours until the table accumulated about 5 billion chips then you would all sit out while each seat was passed back 500 million chips then you would play your high stakes game with antes of 20 million or so and you blatantly flew all of this in the face of party poker and other players and you arrogantly called yourself “pumpers” and you called other players “clickers” and if any “clickers” came on your table then you arrogantly attacked them both verbally and with more macro 3rd party software to run them off – most of you were lousy poker players and player recklessly and lost most of your millions of chips and were too lazy to create more and party poker was able to limit your chip manufacturing activities to 3 million created per acct so you made 100’s of accts and filled up tables with those accts and fed all your 3 million per acct chips into one acct using more macros and 3rd party software and when you did not want to take the time to do this you went to many sites that “spammed” party poker tables using more macros and 3rd party software advertising chips for sale you went to these sites and bought millions of chips for less then 40 cents per million and you kept this up making many actions impossible for the “clicker” players you openly disdained. – So, in short, you got your come-up-ance – you made your forums and bragged to each other how party poker could not stop you that no matter what changes party poker made you could beat those changes – you so believed your self gratification braggadocia that you became totally over bearing on a free site that did nothing but give to you without you ever paying so much as a penny to them – so now they did what you said they could not do – they beat you by simply pulling the plug on your rubber dolly and let the air out of your date – but yes I saw recently where some of you have now come up with ways to get around this new limitation pp has put on – so hats off to you there which just prompts just one last question and that is” if you are so smart and talented, and you are, to constantly defeat a multi- million dollar operation such as pp that handles approximately $10 million per day in real money transactions, why don’t you put your talent to some productive use and make some real millions for yourself and your family and forget about doing battle for fake chips from pp – last i saw fake chips could not even fan a decent fart away. Good luck and bright futures to all of you – and stop crying – thanks
PP out and out lies.
When I called they and asked what was going on they said it was due to illegal chip sellers. I asked why they didn’t track them down and shut them down via the websites they advertised or ip address and they said that they “don’t monitor play money tables”
If this is true how do they know about chip vendors and “chip dumping”?
I have found files imbedded in my computer after several of their “upgrades” I am sure it was to track the activity on their site.
If they think people are stupid enough to trust them with their credit cards to open a real money account when they can’t be trusted with fake chips they must be on cheap drugs.
If they were to roll us all back and make us start over I could live with that, as long as I can keep what I win. There is no point in playing on their otherwise.
Yes I gave chips away to people who had none but not once did I ever take 1 red cent for them, and I never gave a large amount, just enough so the person could play the big tables and try to build their own bank. These were chips I played to win, I never bought a chip ever. The chip sellers were a thorn in our side too popping into the middle of a game.
I hope Party Poker is proud of themselves thinking that offering 1 freeroll is going to make it all go away. They might as well post a banner saying we think you are all stupid enough to buy into this.
I have no intention of ever watching the WPT ever again much less patronize any of their sponsors or advertizers.
I will however take the time and make the effort to let them all know why, I won’t support them.
Party Poker executives are no more than liers and thieves.
well i made a nic in my mothers that had passed away in honor of her over 6 yrs ago had played it and build it up and i would do it again but 4 the fact u gonna take what i make 2 240 pp is off all my pc and paty poker as my mom would say can KMA
well i have played your site for years my self and now you have gave me the reason to stop so thank you and hope you enjoy the years of work i gave your site
This is highway robbery, Most of player spend endless time to build up their account for months and years, Now all the chip is taken away from them…The guys who make this idiot decision should be shot, Instead of going after the chip dealer who selling chip, they going after all the players hard earn chip that they build up for months and years. Now all now to 250K lmao… I hope your stock tanks and what you did to many of us…
I was one of those loyal players for party poker..been on this site for years n never did buy chips instead discouraged the buying of chips by helping those with what chips i had! What party poker doesn’t understand is that people all over the world gathered through this site to play together and have a nice time! and also played tournaments to win chips! we have not done anything illegal but try to just play a game we love! Now slowly you are losing players and we are going elsewhere! so congrats on your final upgrade which you gained all our fake chips but in the end who has the last laugh?
our chips we owned it . Party poker should not decide and takes all our chips, expected players to deposit cash to make real account. Party poker steal what is belongs to us. Party poker is a biggest thief and DO NOT realise how long we been playing …we built up our account so u have no right to take away. Party poker rob us without a gun.
I was a loyal party poker player…been on this site for years and other poker sites didn’t measure up to your standards, and now with your last upgrade you have pushed us to find other poker sites which do not have so many issues as you do….i have not seen you take play money chips from real account players? why just discriminate the united states????? i am sure a lot of complains will be filed n what you don’t understand is the fact people from all over the world gathered on this site to enjoy the game n the pleasure of making friends and having a great time..the purpose of site like party poker is to take away our stress n daily life issues! n now with your last upgrade not only have u lost players but our respect of how you have handled n made excuses of taking away everyone’s chips in the u.s.a. I hope with you are happy to have pushed your fans to other sites! lets see who has the last laugh???
PartyPoker says, they did this to stop transfer of chips from account to account outside of regular poker hands…… can they say its not happening now? what are real money account holder doing on tables everyday, they r transfering playmoney chips (which were not touched by PP) same old way, which pp gave as a reason behind their decision.
I m sure all those who were selling chips and making money, have real money accounts too, and must have protected their playmoney accounts (with billions in it) by making a deposite of $25.
With a cap of 250K set on playmoney accounts, who would play and practice when they know even if they win they will lose their winnings next time they log-in. And mind u PP, all these playmoney players r ur potential new real money players. Not only PP is losing current real money account players, but its also losing potential new cash game players. what kind of brains these executives at PP have?
It was lot of fun playing on partypoker, but partypoker is a dead site now.
R.I.P. Partypoker
While we all know that Party Poker will not reverse it’s obviously biased decision – for loyal players (I have been playing PP for over 6 years and know some players who have played for 10) the site was refreshing as it allowed for the freedom to play innovative high stakes poker games. I never bought chips and neither did hundreds of other players that i knew.
What PP is failing to notice is that they have effectively disintegrated a vibrant SOCIAL NETWORK of loyal players who never played anywhere else but their site and had developed true and lasting friendship and camraderie spanning years of daily playing together. I had at least 400 friends who have left the site permanently now. This decision also effectively killed BRAND LOYALTY to this site by thousands of players.
As mentioned by the post above, the ability to build a bankroll was half the fun of playing. This new policy is frankly ill thought out and discriminatory. It does strike me that if PP has the funding to BUY WPT that they “might” have the resources and technical wherewithal to have weeded out third party chip sellers.
dumb. dumb. dumb. I and all of my friends will never play at PP again – it’s apparent that customer service, brand loyalty and social networking aren’t priorities of this corporation.
PP just took away our excitement to play..suppose to be a fun site but now its sucks big time .Since they reset our bank to 250k what good is that if u loose that 250k it will take you like 5mins to rebuy in if u win can’t even keep the chips… Wow PP doesnt really care! all they care is to get peoples money..Thanks alot! my favorite nic that i play for 4years now down to 250..
Robbing people with their hard earned chips is messed up !!! Shame On You Party POker !!!
im disgusted in ur final decision pp would have thought u guys had made the better decision in the end i cannot believe i played here for many years and met great friends some to whom are more than pp i consider them a part of my family i met a special someone here also like many of us have.
But it that final blow u have taken away so much from so many people from disabled and ill to all of people in life thanks pp would never had known u could be so dam cruel and heartless thanks for nothing
I am Dutch, so please excuse me when my English is poor.
I have played PP since 2001 and I made a lot of friends. We also had meetings so it was fun when we “met “at a table again.
PP can say they changed their POLICY because of CHIP sellers, but why can’t PP close the SPAM nics which bug us, regular players) every 10 seconds with their stupid spam.
Why buy chips for a PLAY MONEY game?
I have friends helping me out with a few chips when I am broke.
In the past PP also closed CHIPNICS, so there must be a way to close SELLERS NIC.
What about people playing almost 24/7 on PP?
Some of them I know are really sick, not mobile anymore, and the only thing they HAD was PP.
And since a lot of people left PP and play other sites where building up a bank is possible, these sick people feel more alone now.
Of course, they also could move to an other site, but a lot of people are just used to playing on PP and don’t like a change.
Its unreal that PP can put up 250k in each nic without any notice but people cussing, calling names or even really sick stalkers could play without getting caught.
I saw stalkers threatening others ( I WILL CUT YOUR THROAT), I did send a mail and what did PP answer ? According to our files you don’t have a real money account and blablabla…..u can guess the rest.
So, its NOT about chippers, its NOT loaded banks, ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY and the proof is there.
Ask ANY player having a real money account.
Like I read before, its DISCRIMINATION and I feel especially sorrt for the American players…..they cant do anything.
And I agree with most readers….PP, you suck, and instead of being # 1 on the internet, you have given the other POKERSITES the chance to become THE NUMBER 1 and PP will end up last place.
Good thinking, congrats with your STUPID decision to change YOUR rules.
But in fact…….THE PLAYERS RULE……we can play without PP…..can PP operatie without players?
pp, you are a joke, you make my blood boil.Not only are you liars, you are thieves as well. Look at your site now, they are still pumping, they are still transfering, and they are still selling, tell us pp what have you stopped?? A bsolutly nothing, and what have you achieved? Nothing only to destroy yourself. Look at you now, this is the worst site now that I have ever seen. People swearing cussing hating each other , and you have done that. PP you are going down, and I hope fast, you have developed so much hatred in people, when this used to be a friendly happy family.Shame on you PP you make me sick, discriminating on people that cany afford to open money accounts. well no one will evr trust your site again, and you will go down, we wouldnt open money account s for anything in the world, not now the damage is done. Hope you go bankrupt, and your dumb executives lose all their jobs, I give you a month, and no more PP, you will be just a memory.
R.I.P P.P.
cry cry cry little babies – lmao – party poker gave you 5,000 free chips (and each time you went broke they gave you 5,000 more) and a free website to play 24 hours per day – along with that came some simple rules – you cry cry cry little babies broke those rules and used 3rd party software to “steal seats” meaning getting seated in front of players waiting in line to sit at a certain table – also party poker allowed you to have 5,000 more chips free on their sister sites ( party bingo, casino, backgammon) so you took advantage of that and you put your pp nic in omaha and put all your chips on the table so you would appear broke to pp software then you sat your “appearing broke” nic at a casino table and at bingo table and a backgammon table and received another free 5,000 chips at each then you took those back to the pp omaha table and put those on the table then you repeated this using auto play macros and building your accts at the rate of 15.000 chips every 4 seconds so you could amass 225,000 chips per minute 13.5 million per hour and you would do it for about 10 hours while thousands watched you do it then you took 135 to 150 million chips and locked up tables with 10 players of the same cheating ilk and would let your auto play macros run for 30 hours until the table accumulated about 5 billion chips then you would all sit out while each seat was passed back 500 million chips then you would play your high stakes game with antes of 20 million or so and you blatantly flew all of this in the face of party poker and other players and you arrogantly called yourself “pumpers” and you called other players “clickers” and if any “clickers” came on your table then you arrogantly attacked them both verbally and with more macro 3rd party software to run them off – most of you were lousy poker players and player recklessly and lost most of your millions of chips and were too lazy to create more and party poker was able to limit your chip manufacturing activities to 3 million created per acct so you made 100’s of accts and filled up tables with those accts and fed all your 3 million per acct chips into one acct using more macros and 3rd party software and when you did not want to take the time to do this you went to many sites that “spammed” party poker tables using more macros and 3rd party software advertising chips for sale you went to these sites and bought millions of chips for less then 40 cents per million and you kept this up making many actions impossible for the “clicker” players you openly disdained. – So, in short, you got your come-up-ance – you made your forums and bragged to each other how party poker could not stop you that no matter what changes party poker made you could beat those changes – you so believed your self gratification braggadocia that you became totally over bearing on a free site that did nothing but give to you without you ever paying so much as a penny to them – so now they did what you said they could not do – they beat you by simply pulling the plug on your rubber dolly and let the air out of your date – but yes I saw recently where some of you have now come up with ways to get around this new limitation pp has put on – so hats off to you there which just prompts just one last question and that is” if you are so smart and talented, and you are, to constantly defeat a multi- million dollar operation such as pp that handles approximately $10 million per day in real money transactions, why don’t you put your talent to some productive use and make some real millions for yourself and your family and forget about doing battle for fake chips from pp – last i saw fake chips could not even fan a decent fart away. Good luck and bright futures to all of you – and stop crying – thanks
partypoker is the biggest chipseller….KMA PP
I am from Germany and we are all very upset with pp, but the proverb does not go, there’s nothing ;)…… what I want to say it is still being sold, it will continue to pump millions to play many many chips søger Trillion nothing has changed …………….. I have a chipper although only goes up to 250k but it adds up when one has 1500 nicks:) I mean to create 30 lessons 250 million all of which I transfer it to my real account ……………………………… aand what pp ??????? thus achieved nothing !!!!!!! I’m playing here for so long to up my forum in which I am a member have developed new programs for other poker sites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So have patience and soon we will all be one again;) and the server will be happy to pay up through us because we are the lation to write to the stock exchange ……………….. ……. why ??????? We are pumper for almost 24 hours logged on the server used as the example at partypoker, who alone has employments made by us and was also a good reason, the number 1 in the onlone poker just stupid as they have fallen by their hasty handling of 1 to 11 ……………………….. hhehehehehehheheheh head up people every sin is punished and that will be the bust of pp, but not immediately slowly and surely
your safet
hi leute
ich komme aus deutschland und wir sind hier auch alle sehr sauer auf pp, aber das sprichwort geht nicht gibt es nichts ;)……was ich damit sagen will es wird weiter verkauft,es wird weiter pump gespielt um viele viele millionen chips soger billiarden nichts hat sich geändert……………..ich habe einen chipper der geht zwar nur bis 250k aber es summiert sich wenn man 1500 nicks hat ;) das heisst ich schaffe in 30 stunden 250 millionen die ich alle auf mein echtgeldkonto transferiere………………………………uund was hat pp damit erreicht??????? nichts!!!!!!! ich spiele hier so lange bis die bis mein forum in dem ich mitglied bin neue programme entwickelt haben für andere pokerseiten,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,also habt geduld bald werden wir alle wieder eins werden ;) und der glückliche server wird durch uns aufsteigen weil wir die jenigen sind die zahlen schreiben in der börse………………………warum??????? wir pumper sind fast 24 stunden auf den server eingeloggt wie zum beispiel früher bei party poker ,der hat alleine durch uns ein gutes geschäfft gemacht und war auch deswegen die nummer 1 im onlone poker nur dummer weise sind sie durch ihre überstürzten handhabung gefallen von 1 auf 11 hhehehehehehheheheh ………………………..kopf hoch leute jede sünde wird bestraft und das wird die pleite von pp sein, nicht sofort aber langsam und sicher
euer safet
Well after reading carefully an edited e mail concerning play chips from pp. All i can say is pp are offering double standards here. I checked the party poker site out and was amazed to see Chip Sellers advertising to Real Money players. Will Party Poker pull the plug on real accounts now – no i dont think so. I am sure party poker are aware of these advertisements and i am now watching to see wot they are going to do about this. I suspect nothing.
i was one of the players of party poker, i played years like my frends, was verynice site. we didnt need to go other sites we were happy. but now..?? i have also real money acc. but i dont play anymore on partypoker..WAKE UP FRENDS, what they do today for playmoney players will do for REAL MONEY acc. same..i say party poker is not to trust anymore……WAKE UP..and..dont log for a monht….let them see that YOU..very importend…whitout you all is party poker nothing…..JUST WAKE UP and dont log anymore…
Party poker should be boycotted and not ever be allowed to sponsor a tournement in the US. Any US pro should be ashamed of themselves for associating themselves with this WORTHLESS THIEVEING ONLINE POKER SITE. US pros should stand up and support the 10s of thousands of people party poker has done this too.
Well Well Well….alll you whiney ppl are doing not good complaining cause its just gonna make them stay with thier decisions ….If you would quit complaining and carry on with your life (Poker aint all there is to life!!) then you will find out that you mighhttttttt have more fun …Your all disgusting to be putting down Party Poker they have only done to stop all the chipping cheating and the transferring of your thieving arses. Get a life Grow Up and Move on Poker aint all there is out there …get outside you might find out :))
Its good to know how Partypoker is to his clients, so i took my real money acc. and go to another site that will take care of me and my friends. The Management from Partygaming changed and the former boss Anurag Dikshit sell his company and we see that the new owner only want to maximize the profit so BYE BYE PARTYPOKER maximize your profit without me.