Poker News Daily can confirm that Pitbull Poker, a small site on the Flash Poker Network, closed down on Wednesday, according to a high-placed source. Contrary to rumors, no arrests were made in Costa Rica. The future of player funds held on the site is up in the air.

Dave Brenes, at last account, is the spokesperson for Pitbull Poker with the title of Network Manager.  He had previously been in contact with Poker News Daily regarding the allegations and, when asked to do an interview about the matter, declined by saying a statement from ownership was coming. The source told Poker News Daily on Wednesday that the closure of the site caught them off-guard and a public statement would be forthcoming. Pitbull Poker tables should not be active online.

On September 29th, a user by the name of “dbreal” posted a message on the TwoPlusTwo forums claiming he was Brenes.  Poker News Daily can independently confirm that “dbreal” is in fact Brenes.  The post in question states that Kevin Baronowski (owner of Pitbull Poker) took away Brenes’s TwoPlusTwo account, thus he had to register a new one.  He stated that fellow workers at Pitbull Poker called him at 3:00am stating that Kevin and Jordan (a business partner) were trying to take out computers and leave the premises without saying a word to anyone in the office.  The on-site staff then called police, who took the two in for questioning.

Less than two hours after that post, the rumor gained a ton of steam when players reported that Pitbull Poker’s website was up and running; however, players logged into the client only to be met with the site being down.  Players attempting to log in received the following error:

Application Error
An unexpected error has occurred! Our support team has been already informed. See details below.

Message: com.draagon.util.ResourceException: com.draagon.meta.MetaException: Unable to load objects of class [draagon::user::User], a popular website that tracks the number of players online, reported a zero for Pitbull poker early this morning.  The games and poker site were down for over eight hours following the post from “dbreal” on the forums.

Twelve hours after his original post, “dbreal” surfaced again in the same thread on the TwoPlusTwo forums.  He wrote that Baronowski was taken in for interrogation, as many people on-scene claimed he was trying to leave without notice.  He stated once again that he was not personally there when they were caught, but confirmed that his computer was one of the first they took away before co-workers arrived at the scene.

There are now allegations from Pitbull regulars (mainly former prop players monitoring the cheating situation) that they have been monitoring activity the last few months on the site and have exposed at least three superuser accounts.

Poker News Daily will continue to monitor the situation closely as it unfolds.


  1. JC Hawk says:

    As an affiliate of Pitbull I just found out that Dave Brenes and Kevin Baronowski took me for over $100,000.00 and the money from 60 players from the site. We will be seeking legal action in Costa Rica but really don’t know what will come of it.

  2. Glen Gouthro says:

    Hey, I have $7,700 on the site and have been trying to cash money off the site since mid July unsuccessfully. I want to be involved in this legal action, I want my money!

    aka paddlin

  3. Austin says:

    I agree with paddlin i would also like to be involded.

    AKA iwiniwin

  4. Extinguisher00 says:

    Hey, i still have 5500$ on the site, also been trying fo 2 months to cashout but no succses!
    So i also want my money and join the legal action!

  5. Mike S says:

    I too have been trying to cash out since early September to no avail. The money was removed from my account but no check has arrived. I “only” have $1800 on the site but I still want it! Will join legal action if it comes to it.

    aka sauce_24_27

  6. Yantastic says:

    I have $2,220.00 on pending cash out on the pitbull site I would like to be involved in a legal action to retrive my earnings.
    AKA Yantastic

  7. Yantastic says:

    Let me know about any procedures. I’m in.
    Yan Therien

    aka Yantastic

  8. Dragoo says:

    I have $1500 on this site i am also from costa rica and i want to kwon if i can help we all need to get togeder and at least try to do something

  9. Pitbull=joke says:

    lol. Uh, I warned people, and warned them, and warned them. Was called a “conspiracy theorist”. I even went on the site and warned people. Unfortunately greedy idiots are easily blinded by green bucks. Hope you all learned your lesson. Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. REPEATEDLY.

  10. JC Hawk says:

    I will set up a web site and e-mail so everyone will know what is going on and they can contact me if they want to be involved.

    Dragoo get me your e-mail and we can talk on how you might help..

  11. hai hai says:

    I have also still around 1k on it.
    so i want also involved in a legal action.

  12. Biggbull Lucker says:

    I’m very lucky and my last two cash outs $2200 on 29th July 2009 and $150 on 1st Aug 2009 were successfully arrived my Click2pay account .

  13. Cory K says:

    Damn, what a bad beat. Count me in guys, I’m in the same boat as Paddlin (Glen). sorry to see the situation you’re in JC.

    Please keep us informed.

    I’ll be interested to help in any way possible.

  14. dreamnfox says:

    been trying to get my cash off for about a month
    i would really like to know who some of these superaccounts were
    lost a couple grand 1 day to a crazy player

  15. Adam says:

    Add me to this my screan name for the site was Abyron35 and i had about $1,800 on there..JC my email is send me a email so we can talk about figuring this out.

  16. Bob says:

    I Was Trying to cashout 250 For Like A Month In A half And They Finally took The Money Out Of My Acount A Couple Weeks Ago And Said it Was being processed manually.Dont Know What That Means. My Screen Name Was Bobakqj10

  17. callmynutzzz says:

    I have also arround 2750 in my account and tryin to get it..please count me in I also lost about 1,5k in 3days to a crazy man or two..

  18. Jim says:

    Pokerstars and Fulltilt will be caught as well. Just a matter of time.

  19. kathy says:

    I was trying to cash out as well and mine said manually processed but never received my funds ,and i still have money in my account and alot of my time ,i dont want it to be wasted so whatever needs to be done.

  20. Tim says:

    Does anyone know what is going to happen to our money that is in that account???

  21. Tim says:

    JC what can I do to help as well…my screen name was feartheturtle08

  22. smonty10 says:

    I’ve been trying to cash out about 700 for the last few weeks please let me know what can be done!!!!!!

  23. Shugaman says:

    I played on the site and I noticed I was very good for a while and then I was very bad, after I cashed out a few times. Somebody did warn me that that the software would change and I would become a loser. Thge person was right and I lost almost every big hand where I had awesome cards. Too bad, I was having fun when I was winning. Now I don’t know if I was any good or bad, or what. Too bad…

    The Shugaman

  24. MSU_FAN says:

    I had a feeling this BS would happen here. I’ve had a bad feeling about these crooks for a while now and was called nuts for trying to warn people. I’m fotunate to have cashed out most but still had around 500 there including a check for 250 that never came from a July cash out. can someone please let me know what is going to happen with this?

  25. SneakyWitch says:

    This is why I don’t deposit my own money to these sites. I prefer to play free rolls and use money won from there. So sorry everyone! Hope it pans out for you.

  26. Donkbuster says:

    I have 2.2 million that I WANT BACK!

  27. JC Hawk says:

    Here is a quick update…

    I have been able to get the help of the Costa Rica government and the US Embassy to looking into what can be done on freezing the money accounts and bringing charges on Dave Brenes and Kevin Baronowski. I should get an answer the latter part of this week or the first of next. I will get the website up and a e-mail so everyone can stay in touch shortly,


  28. dave says:


    I was a never a partner, associate, director or in any way related to the ownership of Pitbull Poker, Pitbull Casino or Pitbull Partners. I was an employee hired to manage the network and support operations in whatever necessary.

    I am sorry but I am not liable for any of your money since I had no incidence on the funds management and I was not a principal at the company. Thank you.

    Dave Brenes (yes, it’s me)

  29. JC Hawk says:

    Not what you said so long ago in a e-mail Mr. Brenes…. ( I still have that e-mail and have sent copies to the Costa Rica authorities )

    Your also doing nothing to help the ones that were ripped off by your company other than coming on different forms and proclaiming your innocence.

    I will do everything I can to see that your government seizes all bank accounts and returns the money your company took to the players.


  30. James says:

    Dave Brenes, you can say anything,but you forget all the lies you have told people,to the point I think you beleive your own lies,We all know you were totally aware of the fraud and deception that was taking place,and you were a very big part and contributing factor,JC Hawk has your e-mails just like i do and all the other people you lied to,you were very good at doing the crime, less see if you will be a good at doing the time,don’t waste your breath by coming on here and trying to play Marry Poppins,people see right through your phoney was!!!!

  31. James says:

    JCHAWK,please count me in,on anything to do with trying to collect our winings and bring charges on these fraud clowns,they owe me $3,944 on 3 tickets,2 of which they claim were in the mail,which is BS,please keep me posted on any new information .Thanks James

  32. they owe me money too bastards

  33. JC Hawk says:

    Ok everyone… I talked to the Costa Rica government again ( 10-8 -09)

    Next Wednesday 10- 14-09, I will have a e-mail address posted here, so you can send a notice of claim to the person that is seeking criminal charges against the Owners and Management of Pitbull.

    I am doing the best I can so please bear with me in this matter…. We all want our money back..


  34. JC Hawk – please be in touch with me so we can follow the progress of your lawsuit here at Poker News Daily.

  35. PieceMaker says:

    Wow, that is really bad. I played every day on Pit bull since it started. I never put in a cent. Used freeolls- then micro limits- up to almost 1 K. I should have cashed di tout. I needed to make a deposit first. DAM. Wish I did. I remember people ‘chatting’ small about getting paid . I should have listened. Played for a few years, seemed fishy. And the 1st hand couldn t see your cards thing was lame. Hope you Ballers get paid, Screw the cheaters- KARMA will get them!

  36. lewis hill says:

    im in too. keep me posed on anysites wich are setup to help us all get our money bck, i too have lost money and demand it bck like everyone else!!



  37. AKA DRAGOO says:

    JC HAWK thank you for all that you are doing please be in touch with me also thay owe me $1600 email AKA DRAGOO

  38. AceJackPgh says:

    Thanks for being our champion here Hawk! These scum bag a$$ hats got me too! Looking forward to your next post with the email address. Any suggestions on a trustworthy site??


  39. JC Hawk says:

    AceJackPgh, I don’t recommend sights to anyone anymore. I play on Full Tilt and Poker Stars now ( Spazzy Old Man lol) and they seem to be ok, but player beware is all I can say after all this. I invested a lot of money thinking they were great people and have lost a lot over it.

    I still want to get my own site going some day because I enjoy the game so much. I just find it shameful that with all they make they have to resort to this underhanded way towards the players. We need to make this legal in the USA with laws and oversight protection for the players.

    I’m no champion, just a person trying to do what he can to get things done for the right reason.

    Have a great weekend everyone !


  40. ShaneG says:

    Seem to have caught this thread a bit late. I played as ShaneG on PB and had $1800 on there. I can only imagine how u feel Hawk. Best of luck and keep me in touch my e-mail is

  41. Kristjan Einarsson says:

    Well, that would be the second time now that I have lost money at these smaller site, lost over $3000 at Wingows Poker about a year ago, I had about $1200 in Pitbull and my username was JhnM1
    I´m so sorry to hear about your losses JC Hawk and sure hope you will be compensated to the fullest. Anyways, if there is anykind of list of people that are considering legal action count me in, if there is anything I can do don´t hesitate to contact me.

    Best regards, Kristjan

  42. greg now says:

    I too lost over 1300$ at pitbull poker,i only trust 1 poker room now and that is the only place i play,this new poker room is fully licensesed and you have no worries of superusers and losing your money because it is really popular with lots of players and they encript all hands so no players can see what you have,it is the first poker room to encript hands played and this is why this poker room is growing fast,cashouts are quick and the support is really good,its alot better then pitbull poker anyways go to and this new poker room is rated #1 by cardpro magazine

  43. Anonymous says:

    you guys are not going to see anything, myself and other from are prop team at apsolute poker lost over $1,000,000 and those clowns are still in business even after 60 minutes did a story on them. if you want to do anything go down there and find him and take care of it yourself its a whole nether world down there

  44. JC Hawk says:

    **** This is the e-mail address I was given to the people in Costa Rica that are looking into what can be done.

    Please give them only the facts that you can prove on your losses.

    Put In the subject line on all e-mail ** Pitbull Sport-betting ****

    ****** ****


  45. kathy says:

    I tried this email and it came back to me undeliverable. Any suggestions?

  46. MUNAVEER VK says:

    i too have cashout of 1000 $ waiting for twomonths. i also want to join with leagal action

  47. paul says:

    hi had $2500 dollars on the site please keep me informed thanks for all your work jc.

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