According to news reports, the alleged thief who knocked off the Bellagio in Las Vegas for $1.5 million was apprehended due to the help of the online poker community.
Reports on several websites including Yahoo News and detail the activities of the alleged “Bellagio Bandit.” Anthony Michael Carleo, who was arrested on Wednesday morning and charged with the robbery, allegedly lived the high life after the daring robbery on December 14th. It wasn’t until he made a misstep trying to sell the stolen chips that authorities were able to close in on him.
Both Yahoo and SportsInteraction report that Carleo was brazen enough to stay at the Bellagio after the robbery, apparently using some of his stolen chips. The arrest report, according to Yahoo, says that Carleo lost approximately $105,000 over a month at the Bellagio. The report adds that Carleo even enjoyed the amenities apparently comped due to what the casino believed to be his “high roller” status.
SportsInteraction points out that Carleo made few attempts to hide his alleged theft during conversations at the poker tables. The site reports that Carleo is to have said during a session on the felt to a dealer, “Man, how easy would it be to rob a casino?” After the dealer replied, “Dude, you watch ‘Ocean’s 11’ too much. This is real life and that s**t doesn’t happen,“ Carleo allegedly responded, “All you need is a black mask and a motorcycle, and I have a motorcycle.” The dealer reported the incident to police and it’s now part of the arrest report.
Where Carleo made his key mistake was in trying to cash in on some of the larger $25,000 denomination chips that he allegedly procured during the robbery. According to the threads at TwoPlusTwo, Carleo purportedly signed up for the forum under the rather uninventive name of “Oceanspray25” (alluding to the cranberry color of the Bellagio chips and their value) and contacted several forum members in an attempt to sell them for $10,000 each.
TwoPlusTwo poster “provotrout” provided the evidence. In a thread, “provotrout” posted photos of the $25,000 Bellagio chips allegedly sent by Carleo via e-mail after the two made contact through his “Oceanspray25” alias. Two photos of the chips are potentially the most damaging. One shows two of the Bellagio cranberries underneath a signature that reads “Biker Bandit” and the date of January 26th. The second spells out “provotrout” and uses the same Bellagio chips to replace the first and last “o’s” along with the “Biker Bandit” tag.
“provotrout” provided more information on his conversations, allegedly with Carleo, throughout the threads. “I thought it was a con until he sent me pics, personalized even,” he wrote in one of the threads after posting the pictures. When asked if he bought any of the stolen chips, “provotrout” responded, “I politely declined, it didn’t seem +EV. More like massively -life EV.” Instead of purchasing the chips, “provotrout” contacted the authorities and provided transcripts of his chats and personal e-mails.
Using all of the information provided, the Las Vegas Police Department set up a sting in which an undercover agent purchased one of the $25,000 chips, allegedly from Carleo, on January 30th and bought four more the next day. Authorities arrested Carleo on Wednesday and, afterwards, found more Bellagio chips at a girlfriend’s apartment and at Carleo’s residence. According to reports, police have recovered $900,000 in various denomination Bellagio chips.
Carleo, the son of a Las Vegas judge, is currently being held without bail at the Clark County Detention Center on charges of robbery with the use of a deadly weapon and burglary with use of a deadly weapon. A previously reported drug charge has been dropped.
Hmmm… So out of 100,000 sperm, he was the quickest?