Tipico is far from the biggest name in the US sportsbook market; in fact, I would wager (see what I did there?) that most people have never heard of the company. Despite lagging in market share, however, the operator has achieved that its bigger rivals have not: it has become the first US sportsbook to earn the Internet Compliance Assessment Program (iCAP) accreditation from the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG). It has been accredited in Ohio and New Jersey and also has sportsbooks in Iowa and Colorado.
“iCAP accreditation is a meaningful award for Tipico because it validates our approach to make fair play a companywide initiative that requires buy-in by our employees,” said Bryan Schroeder, Senior Vice President – Compliance & Legal at Tipico. “I am incredibly proud of our team for rallying around our efforts to continuously improve safety and clarity. Our primary goal is to ensure customers have the best possible experience when they place a bet because they trust us and our products.”
Sports betting has been receiving a lot of attention lately – much of it negative and not necessarily undeserved – as the American public has been bombarded with gambling ads and odds on virtually every sports broadcast. The absolute least a sportsbook can do is have policies and procedures in place to help protect its customers from the dangers of problem gambling.
The iCAP accreditation recognizes Tipico for doing just that.
Tipico launched its “Fair Play Pledge” last month, setting up what it calls a “first-of-its-kind, holistic long-term initiative that aligns closely with the standards set forth by iCAP.”
Features of the program include 24/7 human customer service, betting limits and cool-off periods, straightforward explanation of odds and promotions, and better access to the sportsbook’s help center. It also has a “phase-based approach to recognize, help, and educate customers who have exceeded its ‘Responsible Gambling Automated Thresholds.’”
In order to acquire the accreditation, Tipico had to have its responsible gaming practices audited by gaming consulting firm Gambling Integrity.
“Tipico Sportsbook’s iCAP accreditation is a testament to their dedication to player protection. Through this achievement, Tipico showcases exemplary leadership and a commitment to responsible gambling best practices,” said NCPG Executive Director Keith Whyte. We commend Tipico for the unwavering commitment to the safety of their users and for setting an exemplary standard for the industry.”
The other eight organization to earn the iCAP accreditation are state lotteries and lottery-related entities.