Poker News Daily

Titan Poker will Sponsor the Canadian Bar Poker League

As the world wide Bar Poker League prepares to launch in Canadian bars, Titan Poker has been announced as the online sponsor of The Bar Poker League in Canada

Titan Poker’s sponsorship of the Bar Poker League will entail exclusive visibility of Titan’s brand on the league’s poker tables, chips, cards, advertising and web site, along with additional exposure in all associated special events and parties.

In return, Titan Poker will assist the league with its marketing clout and expertise with the Canadian poker industry to ensure a successful launch and growth of the League, as well as offer special online gaming opportunities and special live events.

World Poker Store Inc. runs the Bar Poker League in America and Europe, and its CEO, Chuck Chastain, is very enthusiastic about this new partnership: “Our Titan Poker partnership is our most exciting to date. As our corporate offices are in St. Paul, Minnesota, the Canadian league offers us the opportunity to partner with an online sponsor and operate the league close to home. Our Canadian league members will not only benefit from free live play at bars and restaurants, but also free online play with Invites to bigger and better tournaments and great prizing will be the benchmark of our Canadian league and Titan Poker is instrumental to the expansion of league play throughout the country.”

Canadian players can find out more about joining the League at

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