Poker News

The uproar over online poker site PartyPoker’s decision earlier this week to limit the maximum amount a person can have in their play money account continues to dominate discussion in the online poker community.

Earlier this week, PartyPoker took the step to cap earnings in the play money games to a maximum of 250,000 chips. When players woke up on Tuesday morning, many people who had built up millions of these chips through years of play found that their accounts had been reset. An earlier story on Poker News Daily this week stated that the PartyPoker wanted to “stop the transferring of chips from account-to-account outside of regular hands of poker,” according to the site’s blog. In the same posting, PartyPoker was adamant about its decision, saying, “We will not reverse our decision.”

Seemingly behind the decision was the selling of play money chips outside of the playing arena on PartyPoker. As detailed in the story on Poker News Daily, some sites offered one billion chips for $400. This, in PartyPoker’s mind, made for inequities in the play money games.

In an e-mail that Poker News Daily obtained from a PartyPoker player, the site went into greater detail about its decision. “For the benefit of the vast majority of our play money players, we have taken the decision to restrict the maximum number of play chips any single player may earn to (250,000 chips) because a very small minority of poker players have been disrupting games by betting large amounts on any kind of hand,” the e-mail stated. “They may think it’s fun but it’s certainly not for other players who understand fair play and enjoy the fun and excitement of playing poker games for free.”

The e-mail continues with a statement that PartyPoker is looking to keep the games fair for all who participate on the play money tables: “We do not tolerate unfair play in any form, whether on our play money or our real money sites. This is for your benefit. This restriction does not affect Real Money accounts as their play money balance remains unchanged from one login to the next.”

The discussion of the move by PartyPoker has resulted in one of the most commented on stories in the history of Poker News Daily. Players related their experiences of how they had built up millions of chips, only to see them disappear in the move by PartyPoker. Several readers have angrily declared that they will no longer be PartyPoker customers.

Poker News Daily reader Troy stated in his comment, “It’s a shame, I really enjoyed the site. 30 Mil gone. So am I. Fortunately there are other sites. I will check back a few times over the next month to see if they re-think their policy otherwise I will never play there again.” Victoria, another Poker News Daily reader, wrote, “I cannot believe PP had done this without warning, it was a fun site. Now I am broke…(It) took me two years to build up my account. I was a loyal player here, not anymore. What a shame.”

Others involved in the Poker News Daily discussion stated that there could be legal action in the works. Reader Sweet Tee opened up this line of action in saying, “It’s a shame. We had to go to the U. S. Attorney General’s office and they recommended a law firm to file a class action suit again PartyPoker since (they) won’t listen. We will shut them down.” An e-mail sent to Sweet Tee was not returned.

According to Poker News Daily reader Frank Bruehl, the decision to strip play chip accounts down to 250,000 hasn’t affected those that have real money accounts on PartyPoker: “Why the real money accounts still got their play chips? (They) are able to build up more without getting reset to 250k?” A majority of the comments seemed to take PartyPoker to task for seemingly discriminating against U.S. players, who cannot play in the cash game tables on the site. Others detailed their enjoyment of the play money games for their camaraderie and physical inability to enter a live casino.

Poker News Daily has contacted PartyPoker regarding their policy change and were told by a spokesperson, “We have not had any real money players in the U. S. since October 2006, when the law changed. All play money players accounts have been capped. The reasons for the move were clearly stated and explained.” PartyPoker has also stated that this policy will not be reversed despite the backlash.


  1. shiral boone says:

    It took me years to accumulate my play chip winnings only to have party poker erase them over night. I deleted the software from my computer and will not play there again even if they give them back I wouldnt have anything to do with them. If the law is ever changed in America to allow online gambling I speculate many folks like me would take our REAL MONEY some where else. Real money accounts are not affected on party poker .. apparently real money accounts can have as many play chips as they want and party poker doesnt touch them. Well, Americans cannot have Real Money accounts so I feel very discriminated against by this company. Its a shame too, cause I have met many wonderful people from all over the world thru this site. Party Poker was not just poker it was a social networking with people from everywhere. But, thats ok, cause lots of those folks are now on Poker Stars and we are having a blast and continuing our fun. But I will have nothing to do with any business or company practices discrimination of any kind. By the way those real money accounts on Party Poker are still passing play chips and lots of them.. what the heck did party poker accomplish other than make thousands of people angry they did not stop the chip dumping or the large pumps or the third party software. They just discrimated against Americans thats the only thing they did.

  2. melissa says:

    You notice their story changes every time. First they blame it on those who are selling chips, another statement that it is to stop player’s from betting large amounts on any hand. However, REAL MONEY accounts still continue to be able to bet how much they want, when they want, and they did not lose their winnings. They also can continue to accumulate as many chips as they want since they have a real money account. Discrimination? I think so. One claim it is to stop “illegal websites from selling play chips”. For one, it is NOT illegal to sell play chips. They have never once stated that even in their terms of service. It is not illegal to “chip dump”, however, it is against their TOS. But that does not make it illegal. Being that it is against their terms of service to ‘chip dump’ on their site, they could of EASILY had a notice sent out to player’s email addresses, and also put up a notification at sign in stating the same. Some people have been selling play money chips for over 5 years, not once in 5 years have they made any attempt to contact their player’s by email or by notification on their blog, or even a notification at sign in. I mean afterall, when you sign up with them you have to verify your email address. This is just a poor tactic to get those who are not in the U.S to deposit real money on their site and play the real money tables so that PARTYPOKER makes money. If any chance of the US being able to legally play real money again, I for one, would not deposit a dime on this site. They already have made a claim to stop player’s from betting large amounts on a play money table, but what about making large bets on a REAL MONEY TABLE. Are they going to take everyone’s REAL money?? It is obvious already their site has gone down. For the last 3 days at 11pm pacific, 1am EST they had less than 7,000 player’s on their site, and this includes the play money tables which is the majority of their player’s.

    You can see over 1,575 people have voiced their opinion on partypoker, and this is not even close to 1% of the people they have pissed off

  3. melissa says:

    Also, not to mention they are also saying to stop letting player’s bet large amounts. Then WHY can you bet up to 50,000,000 million chips on a play money table??? Isn’t that the point of NO LIMIT? They contradict themselves. Like I said, this is a tactic to lure player’s to deposit real money, and discriminate against those in the U.S.A who cannot deposit real money

  4. J.Ballem says:

    I’m one of those play money players who didn’t lose millions of chips as a result of Party Poker’s actions. Furthermore, I agree that sitting at a table where players with huge play chip counts bet millions on every hand is no fun. I want a realistic play experience.

    Having said that, I don’t agree with Party Poker’s heavy handed tactics. There was no warning, nor did they attempt to take action against 3rd party websites who were selling play chips on their site.

    Regardless of whether PP’s action were justified, they have done irreparable damage to their brand.

  5. Bunny says:

    I believe Party Poker in there actions to cut USA players out of keeping there Play Money Chips, was in poor taste, considering, most are from the USA. Also, a tricky move to get more abroad players to open real money acct.s.
    If those that are taking part in there “party poker las vegas” sceme are reading this, why do you need to involve las vegas, USA? why not host your big event there in the UK?, distasteful and you will not be welcome in las vegas, the party poker site, is deceptful, would u trust this kind of site to hold your real money acct.?

    I have also heard they sent letters out regarding, the sales of there play chips , ive seen them over the years flashing by at the tables, why did they not go after them directly? they all had offical websites??? I have deleted party poker off my computer, and will not be returning, I now play at Poker Stars.. :)

  6. Elaine says:

    The sad thing about all of this is party poker not being up front and telling us what the new upgrade would bring. Instead, like they did monthly in order to play you had to download the upgrade. Then wham there it was, all chips gone. I realize it is only play chips, but to some it was priceless. The reasons they are giving is bull. The chip sites are still advertising the sale of chips, tables of 10 toward bottom of tables are still pumping, and the transferring of chips are still happening. Today I logged onto site to try and find a friend I had made and checked a table of 10 and one person had 3.2 billion, yes b as in billion. Also what is party poker afraid of, we post on their facebook page and they delete the ones they don’t like. Beginning to wonder if they took all of our chips to sell them to sites I saw online that buy party poker chips….very unhappy in Texas….

  7. Katherine Loerch says:

    Party poker says they where trying to stop the bullying of big bettors at the table. If that was the case they would not allow their real money players to bully those that can only have 250k in chips.
    I believe they are trying to get rid of players who do not have real money accounts. The free money side of the site uses server resources and other cost associated with the free money site. It is a drain on their profits that they are trying to lower.

  8. Chip says:

    Was a sad day when Party Poker changed its ways and took all the plays chips from its play money players….Party Poker brought all the problems on itself by having poor software allowing people to steal chips from the site and to sell them on the open market….those are the people Party Poker should target instead of the people playing the rooms night after night building their bank of chips, some into the 100’s of million chips over the course of many years playing on the Party Poker site….if they wanted “FAIRNESS” as they have stated they would of taken away play chips from EVERYONE including the players with real money accounts….but that would piss those people off and they would head to another poker site….that is called DISCRIMINATION anyway you look at it….maybe the last laugh will be on Party Poker to be sued for real money over play chips….I’m sure there will be class action law suits brought against Party Poker…..all this because of their poor software … off to Pokerstars


    Partypoker has changed their stance so many times, first, reason, illegal chip selling, then big betting, then transfering chips outside of regular poker hands……dont know whats next. As i write this post here……..chip dumping is going on, already 570 mil chips transfered to one signle account from 9 other accounts on playmoney table 4070828, not to mention its happening right the watchful(but discriminating) eyes of partypoker. why dont pp stop it? Becaus there is one real money account holder who is receiving all those chips.

    I saw a comment on previous article where someone stated that partypoker has been bought by someone else, and the new owner wants to make more money, thats why they dont care about playmoney accounts. why did they not touch playmoney balance of realmoney account holder…..well answer is prety simple, they r customers of PP whereas playmomeny account holders r not cutomers.

  10. lisa says:


  11. Tank says:

    First PP blamed the chip sellers on pp ..I believe the first chip sellers on PP were partly own by PP…Now it’s for a few players betting high amounts on any hand….We are over 18 yrs. old..We can make our own decission or move to another table. I also heard PP hasn.t paid some people who hit the jackpot for real money..If you are some of them I would contact their online caming regulators and…

  12. riley says:

    Plain and simple, PartyPoker has displayed that they truly do not value their play money “customers.” With this action, they have tarnished their name and will continue to receive negative feedback while displeased former site players refer friends to sites other than PartyPoker. So, angry people emailing and calling the site’s below-par customer/tech support combined with negativity spread by the loyal customers who they have betrayed. From myself, this site will receive no positive reference from now on–a concept that I’m sure I share with countless others. It doesn’t hurt to continue to work on the will of the poker site by emailing, calling, commenting (like this), and signing an online petition. Only good can come of these things at this point, so I encourage all who are concerned to take action through at least one of these modes.

    Join the petition that more than 1,500 concerned have signed:

  13. evry1awinner says:

    The disgraceful acts of party poker will come back to haunt them, have no fear the limiting and emptying even play accounts is illegal according to a U,K, lawyer, and he is drawing up papers now to take them to court. this may take a while, but as always its the dedicated players who spend many an hour on their site who suffer. The disabled people and sadly to say the dieing, who get there final pleasures in life from playing poker. Party poker should be proud that these people play on there site, not punish them. Although i don’t come into either of the catagories (and yes i am very lucky) i have met many wonderful people in the past 5 years while on the tables, and i hope every single one of them leave party poker and never go back whatever the final outcome. As already stated by someone else they are only interested in the real money players, (as proved when you try to call them). so as my tiny act of defiance i have also cancelled my real money account and i hope many more do to.

  14. Double Standards says:

    Real Money Account players – Chip Sellers still continuing – large bets still continuing – chip dumping still continuing – so buy into Party Poker get Real Money Account and u can be part of their double standards. Wonder wot their e mails will say now to people. How can they justify this.

  15. camilliusjr says:

    i have played party poker for 9yrs i have met many great friends on there they loved it many were home bound due to illness so thats all they had to look forward to on daily basic.s it brought there hope.s up to log on party poker each day and play and win when you win on party poker it give.s you a high thats unexplaineable………i think party poker took all players chips so they will make real money acounts and to force pll into trying to achieve that high from winning the way they did with play money chips its all a scam i say i moved to poker stars after party poker.s dumb decision to remove our play chip.s and to limit us i had friends on party poker who had nothing in life so party poker was just a hope uplifter for them i hope party poker uplifts there ban so we can return and al my friends

  16. Elaine says:

    oh look….today’s big winner is Broke_as_a_Joke on table 4070455 with 3.2BILLION and they are still transferring..can you explain party poker?????

  17. Elaine says:

    sorry i gave wrong table number on my latest post….the correct table number is 4070828 and BRoke_as_a_Joke is now up to 3.4 BILLION

  18. chilling says:

    Is party poker having a laugh? The say the wanted chip sellers stopped but on table 4070426 they have been transfering chips for the last four days non stop

  19. DG says:

    what party poker hasn’t ruined , nosey peeps like this stupid Elaine is going to, keep your nose in your own business Elaine, just because some peeps have figured a way to keep having fun.

  20. Elaine says:

    DG why is your fun anymore special (because you found a way to beat the system) than mine was to enjoy a game (of not trying to beat the system)…this is just as much my business as it is your DG….if your way of having fun is to beat the system or say cheat, then go for it….but don’t try to punish me for wanting to also have fun……

  21. melissa says:

    Chilling, the table number you are pointing out has NOTHING to do with chip sellers. They are people with real money accounts who are playing just the way it used to be before partypoker screwed it up. they are giving to those friends who don’t have chips.

  22. DG says:

    Elaine my Dear. noone said you couldn’t have fun…….and by the way, I don’t cheat, but why post a screenname and a table number for PP to see, that sounds like i hope they chose it, which to me is acting childish, let me put this how i see you acting……….if i can’t play i’m gonna pull up my panties and go home and tell my mommy…….GROW UP

  23. Shahin says:

    With play money, the only objective of a player is to accumulate more play chips. With that taken away, there is no reason to play at PP any more. I believe PP is aware if this simple fact and this is their way of discouraging us to play there. After all, we are only “expense”. There is absolutely no benefit in it for them to have play money players who will not become real money players, such as most of us here in US. What PP failed to do is to come out and tell the truth and spare us the BS line reasoning for their action.

  24. Poker Fan says:

    OMFG – it’s FREE poker and PLAY money. You haven’t paid anything to play, ergo you are not owed anything by the site. The play is so atrocious in non-money games, those that have accumulated vast amounts of and think they’ve accomplished something is simply, sad.

    Buck up and deposit $50 and then see if you’ll ever get above $250,000.

    STFU whiners.

  25. Elaine says:

    DG…one of party poker’s reason for their actions was because of this, then they changed it for another reason…..and yes then another reason…i can still play on the site if i chose to….but can’t keep my winnings….all of this could have been avoided if PP would have notified us before their actions….whatever happened to what is fair….is it because i’m a US citizen and can’t play REAL money…what happened to my rights….i apologize for saying you could possibly be cheating….i don’t know you and should not have judged you…but i have a right to my opinion and actions the same as you… can put the way i’m acting any way you want….to be throwing the comment “if i can’t play i’m gonna pull up my panties and go home and tell my mommy” is sounding an little childish to me….don’t you think….

  26. yeolemtman says:

    what they did is the RUDDDDIST thing ive ever seen ANY outfit do….they deserve 2 go BROKE…i quit playin on there a few mo’s bk cuz of thier bs…but they took my 400 mil 2….i’ll nvr login again…awesome way to build a biz….u DUMB #%&&^&

  27. NiCe GuY says:

    Elaine what DG is trying to say is first of all by minding your business means, dont be so spooky & concerned about what other tables on PartyPoker are upto. That’s right it’s none of your business! I understand that your frustrated and probably pissed off too that your account has been reset to 250K, but this has nothing to do with table # – 407xxxx you’re just showing your real side of ENVY.

    For sure, DG’s fun is not special compared to anyone’s on here – everyone deserves to have fun. How did DG punish you by telling you that it’s none of your business or rather be minding your own business? What I do have to say is, that your business right now must be contacting PP and the media and the legal firms for your loss of chips (even though they are fake) but you have accumulated over a period of time. They have no right to treat their customers like that without any advance notice or any warning or legit reason, so that customers know what to expect.

    Let’s say even if these players did beat their system, they deserve it for what they did to their thousands of customers. And if you would like to join them as well, feel free to express your opinion and I am sure something will be worked out, but yes don’t express your hatred or your jealousy for what others are able to do and you are not able to achieve, it’s better to express than be a lobby rat!!!

    Do you honestly think PartyPoker has so much time on their hands that they will come to this thread and action on your comments immediately, trust me they won’t…if they would, they wouldn’t have messed up this whole upgrade in the 1st place. The fact is they don’t care about play money customers, all they care is about the real money customers. And who brought them the real money customers? The play money players brought the real money customers for them, and you will see that impact over time.

    If they really want to make money, here’s a business model for them – since apparently the main reason they gave for this upgrade was because of the sellers selling play chips & few sellers were scamming the players by not delivering the chips, they used to call PP, PP used to waste a lot of time and money on these play money customers which would give them $0 business…why doesn’t PP sell their own fake chips for a decent price? There are quite a few sites out there that sell their own fake chips. I bet you, PP will make more money on these so called fake precious chips than on their real money customers.

    What you should be rather concerned more about is approaching all the media outlets, join the legal lawsuit out there, express your concerns on their blog.

    Act mature & the rest will follow!!!

  28. Elaine says:

    NiCe GuY …..why is it all about beating the system????? I will not engage in an online discussion with you or DG on this subject any longer….you have your point of view and I have mine….I did what I did for whatever reason I chose to do it… don’t either of you tell me why you think I did it….you have your opinion and I have mine…..your message was well written and it did have some great points….wishing you luck with poker…..

  29. Jay G says:

    This story just amazes me. Do the play money players have any idea that they’re just a resource suck, that they add no value to the company, and that it’s actually pretty expensive to keep these games going? When I see people refer to themselves as “loyal customers” or even “customers” it strikes me as totally bizarre. I mean, that’s like a patron to a restaurant who goes in every day, takes up table space, and drinks only water without ever accumulating a bill. Eventually the restaurant may cap the amount of water they’ll allow someone tor drink because they want that person to just go away. And I think that’s what Party is trying to tell you — Go away, we don’t want you. And in my mind that totally and entirely reasonable.

  30. shiral says:

    To Jay G: Well, now that was very simply put and very true and I did. I deleted their software and I am playing elsewhere and have a friend who is putting up Poker site of their own.. stay tuned for more info on new site.. NO restrictions .. its called NO LIMIT for a reason. When I had large amount of chips and played with others with large amounts, if I lost , then I would go start over build it back up and go back to the larger games.. they are fun and challenging. AND if party poker doesnt want play chip players, then why do they have a play chip site? OK, well is it to get people hooked on POKER so they will then think they are now real poker sharks and start up a real money account? MAYBE, PROBABLY. Americans cannot have a real money account, legally that is. So why even allow Americans on their site at all. We cannot give them real money they know that.. I really think Party Poker needs to stay away from the UNITED STATES with their games. ITS AMERICANS they dont want. NOT play chip players. PLAY CHIPS in real money accounts can be billions. So sir, they dont mind play chip players they like play chip players,they just want real money accounts with play chips even if the real money account never plays real money games and only has 10.00 dollars real money in it. They discriminated against probably millions of players.
    Bad business. I wont even watch thier tournaments on television anymore. I play on poker stars. I am welcome there they like Americans.

  31. macca571 says:

    I too just lost my play money balance (40 odd mill) after building it up over the past couple of years. I only play for fun (and relaxation) and mostly just play tournaments now.

    So I lost my chips ………………. who cares. I’ll either find another site, or just keep playing tournaments, just to stay in touch with the many friends I have made while playing. How much fun can you playing for free?????

    Who needs to build a huge bankroll of PLAY MONEY (that’s what it is) anyway???

  32. jlowpro says:

    I also lost 50million play chips and i also agree that they should have a least notified us, i was concerned someone had access to my acct. I also think that they should have targeted those selling the chips, since they are always flashing their service at all tables. I will no longer play at party poker and have removed them from my computer and now play at poker

  33. sissy007 says:

    I have played on PP for 5 years and built up over $80 Mill in fake chips. Have met some wonderful people and enjoyed the entertainment.. PP took chips away from everyone?? and supposenly left $250,000………not so with me. I had 0 :((. I e-mailed PP, all I got was a computer generated response. I then worked up above $250,000….next time logged in—only $100,000 worth of chips. E-mailed again………..again computer response——————–they want you to join their REAL MONEY tables. AH’s

  34. bigreenbird says:

    Yes, i had 72 mill in play chips( which had been accumulated over years of play) and without warning it was all gone over night. It is a shame that PartyPoker doesnt care enough about its USA players as to discriminate against those of us who have been loyal participants of the site for years. I for one can ashure that if ever the laws are changed, I as well as many other Americans will choose to play elsewhere

  35. Zoofallon says:

    I lost Millions of chips that I won over the years… but I agree with the move.
    Anyone that has been on random tables the last few years knows the play has become horrible. It was getting more like roulette than poker.
    A bunch of idiots would join your table, raise the intial blind to 350,000, & ruin the hand.
    If they lost they would do it all over again… pulling from the never ending supply of chips they stockpiled/purchased. You would have to leave the table to search for a real game at another table.
    If you ever played with your own real money… that type of play is ridiculous.
    It does suck for those that accumulated a lot of chips but still played the game the right way.

  36. mu506 says:

    I had a lot fun with play money games in PP. Now, I despise those thieves who reset my account, which took me 4 years to accumulate. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.

  37. tommysanb says:

    I had 47 Million in Play Money . Now its gone ! It took me 9 Years to accumulate. I won that amount slowly adding to my bank legitimately in playing Party Poker. It was satisfying banking my playchips and watching my account grow. The social networking aspect was enjoyable too ! Party Poker never made me aware of what was happening. I never noticed any announcements of this. I thought I lost my chips due to computer error or that I’ve been hacked. I was wondering what the heck had happened. This is just not right. There are many ways party poker could have addressed their concerns without taking this heavy handed approach. ZOOFALLON’S COMMENT ABOVE: fails to realize people can go to another table or another limit game if players are betting crazy.

    I guess its time to leave Party Poker for good !

  38. LMFAO, good! So those players who actually PAID to get those PLAY CHIPS to learn a big lesson.
    #1: You are stupid for buying PLAY CHIPS in the first place, they are called PLAY CHIPS for a reason.
    #2: I did lose 7 mil, but it was for about two years of playing. I don’t mind losing it, cause I played to kill time anyways and am not attached to PP like most of you here. Its their site, they have the rights to take the FAKE CHIPS they gave to you.

    Here’s why I LIKE PP’s stand, even if they discriminate US CITIZENS or not:

    I play with some people at church who actually play for real MONEY and act just like those IDIOTS online. There’s 10 people, and every time we played, there is always an ALL IN even BEFORE the FLOP. I’m just sick of this type of idiocy in both REAL and PLAY money games.

    C’mon, why do you think they evacuated all of those chips from everyone’s account? To make YOU, yes you who bought millions of Play Money CHIPS with your own money, to learn your lesson. :D :D

  39. tommysanb says:

    PARTY POKER I’M BANKRUPT. Party Poker please re-consider OPTIONS ….Raise the CAP $ from $250K to oh…let’s say….10MIL 25 MIL 50 MIL, Whats wrong with an option like that ??? I’m gonna open my own Play Money Poker Websiteto fill this void in the market.
    Party Poker your gonna regret this move and your refusal to consider alternative options.

  40. What a Joke says:

    BRoke as a Joke : while we agree that Party Poker has a right to set the rules. Are you aware that cash customers can maintain their Play Money Balances uncapped ? Thats a double standard , that is bad business. I am not attached to Party Poker , I don’t play that often , but it was fun on occasion. Party Poker offered so many Poker Tables that anyone would be able to find a Table with play a style suitable to their preferences. Now Party Poker cash customers are the ONLY BULLYS in the Play Money Games. That is simply unfair. Don’t be Foolish !

  41. beth says:

    BRoke as a joke you have one hell of a cheek, no wonder you aint bothering, while we sit with
    250k you have been transferring non stop last time i seen you you had transferred over 20bil.
    Its ppl like you that should have there accounts capped to 250000k

  42. Craig C says:

    This has been nothing more than a bully tactic to bolster its real money membership and clean up valuable server space. Play money chips are only free to the players, they have a significant cost to party gaming. I have lost all trust with this online organisation and have closed my real money account. I urge all other real money players to do the same……YOU HAVE REAL MONEY THAT CAN BE CONFISCATED AND HAVE NO RIGHT OF APPEAL…..PARTY GAMING CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!!!!
    Poker Stars runs rings around partypoker I suggest you all check it out.

  43. Elaine says:

    To me, the problem is not what party poker did, rather how they did it….the reasons they gave have NOT solved their problem…..chip purchasing, pumping and all the reasons they gave are still happening… site is offering PLAY MONEY people a way of purchasing and not losing your chips when you log off….so not real sure what party poker has accomplished….still missing my friends on the site….

  44. StellarBlue says:

    I have read everyone’s response here today. What I get is this: Everyone had their own reason for playing poker on this particular website. Of course it was not poker in the traditional sense, but it was still a different kind of poker. Just like Solitaire has Yukon and Klondike..Poker is Poker! I have invested so much time on our Play money poker games, that it was not fodr the Play money it was for the love of this wacky version of poker! I don’t miss the chips..i will miss the people, because I will not be playing here anymore, regardless of any “future decisions”. I spent years of playing here at Party Poker just to get a few million chips, but it really was the people that made me a “millionaire”. Take care everyone…

  45. OLDHAM says:


  46. John W. says:

    Just logged in and found my 840 million play chips are gone…found this site and am leaving a post. It is very disheartening to see what has happened. I have been playing on their site for over 6 years and earned every single chip. I never purchased from any of those scam sites. Anyways, I just uninstalled PP and will not look back.

  47. knguyen says:

    Extremely disappointed. my 85+millions are gone. Farewell to PP. wHAT A SHAME.

  48. Kathy - Texas says:

    I am extremely disappointed with PP, my 39 mil which took many years to build was gone, I logged on and had zero. i am stationed overseas and and enjoyed playing with my friends back in the USA, it was a place that I can escape to with my friends and have fun. Now that it is all gone I have decided to uninstall PP from my computer and join all my friends on superstars instead. All the feinds I made over the years are priceless. All PP is doing is trying to make as much money as they can. What they have done is taken everyones chips and sold them and made a killing from all of us. They have made millions. There are a lot of us who are in the process of sueing PP for fraud and theft. i hope that you have covered you tracks because everything is traceable. This class action could bankcrupt PP. I will not fell sorry for them. As I said what goes around comes around.

  49. PANTSDOWN555 says:

    yer party poker are real conmen i won a WSOP freeroll a $14.000 seat in the final i was so happy woohoo but with party poker thats not ther aim to make you happy no sir so they take my seat away from me with out a word…Cu nts
    3 weeks i was looking at my name on the frist page of the list 2 weeks
    and just 1 week b4 the WSOP they take it away and as a freeroller
    i cant e-mail them and ther phone lines dont work ..none of them
    and i still play and they still keep riping me off day after day ???
    they need A GOOD KICK IN THE BALLS if they have any

  50. alCapone2010 says:

    Like many many people on here, I have been playing party poker for about 10 years now. I only played with play money because I am located in the U.S. I lost 30 million over night. This is all BS. I have continued to play, but I’m getting ready to uninstall all of my software an take my poker playing elsewhere. F*** OFF PARTY POKER!!! You guys lost a ton of good business and good advertisement. Over the years I have gotten a lot of friends to join. I will never recommend this BS site again! In fact, I will go out of my way just to make sure that nobody that I know will ever play on here again. What a waste!!!!

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